Vegapunk Effect

The Vegapunk Effect is a theory that relates Blackbeard's accomplishment with Doctor Vegapunk's scientific achievements. To be more precise, it ventures on how exactly Blackbeard was able to obtain Whitebeard's Gura Gura no Mi.

          But first of all, a description on Vegapunk and his accomplishments.

          Dr. Vegapunk is renowned scientist under employment of the Marines. His work includes studies on the powers of the Devil Fruits, the Kairoseki, and the Pacifista Project.


          The Kairoseki or seastone is a susbstance that can negate the powers of the Devil Fruits and even weaken Devil Fruit users. It can be taken as a solid version of the sea itself thus affecting Devil Fruit users gravely. Marines have a large quality of it and thus they use it for their cells, handcuffs and weaponry. 

          This substance is also used to as coating for the bottom of battleships. This will in turn affect Sea Kings. To be more specific, the Kairoseki hides the movements of the vessel upon passing the Sea Kings below it. 

A Kairoseki net to catch Buggy and Alvida, both Devil Fruit Users

Onigumo placing Kairoseki handcuffs on Marco to stop his regeneration

Cody explains the Kairoseki coating

Kairoseki hides the movement but doesn't prevent being attacked when seen

Luffy affected by Smoker's jitte

Smoker explaining how his weapon affects Luffy

Smoker describing the Kairoseki

A Kairoseki Cage

Smoker's jitte remains solid even when he is in Smoke form

Devil Fruits' Power:

          Some of Vegapunk's research on Devil Fruits was the allowing of inanimate objects to eat a Devil Fruit. This is the case for the Inanimate Object Zoans. 

          Another study he has done in relation to Devil Fruit research is the in-depth research on Borsalino's Pika Pika no Mi. 

          Borsalino, better known as Kizaru, is an admiral of the Marines. He is in possession of the said fruit which allows him to create, control, and transform into light at will.

Kizaru commenting how slow Luffy's Gear Second is compared to him

Kizaru kicking Basil Hawkins at the speed of light

Kizaru blinding Basil Hawkins

Brooke commenting on the light produced by a traveling Kizaru

Kizaru making a sword of light to combat Rayleigh
The recovery effects of the Pika Pika no Mi

          With all of these abilities, Vegapunk decided to incorporate one of the attacks into his other project. The light beams produced was installed into the Pacifistas.

Pacifista Project:

          The Pacifista are cyborgs built in the mold of Bartholomew Kuma. The clear difference between them and Kuma is that the Pacifista do not have a Bible, nor do they have Kuma's Nikyu Nikyu no Mi palm pads.  Since they are quite dangerous weapons, they are fairly expensive; roughly the price of one battleship to simply make one.

Sentomaru comments on the price of a Pacifista

          As stated earlier, the Pacifista, with the help of Dr. Vegapunk, are able to produce light beams which are similar to those that Kizaru can create. Since these human weapons are under the Marines, they are designed to detect pirates and stop attacks when an ally is in sight. 

X Drake commenting on the similarity of the Pacifista's attack with Kizaru's laser

The Pacifista can recognize pirates and state their epithets and bounties

Stopping their attack against an ally

          In Chapter 561, we see a group of Pacifistas with Sentomaru preparing to attack the New World Pirates. In contrast to those that appeared at Sabaody Archipelago, these weren't stated to have a codename. The codename template for these is PX-## which may signify the order of their construction.

An unnamed group of Pacifista

          After the two year timeskip, Sentomaru mentions that the Pacifistas that he had with him when he met Luffy again were of an older model, a "prototype" of sorts. There have been certain changes to its design post-timeskip but have yet to be shown.

          Eventually, Bartholomew Kuma himself became a full-fledged Pacifista. Dr. Vegapunk finally made him into the human weapon, as many people have called it. He has no more memories from when he was still Kuma.

After this look back on who Dr. Vegapunk is and what he has accomplished, the Vegapunk Effect will now be thoroughly explained.

Upon Blackbeard's transition from an innocent man in Java to being the captain of the Blackbeard Pirates, there was also a change in his attire.

There are multiple additions Blackbeard has made with his attire, the addition of a captain's coat, jewelry on both hands as well as one around his neck, and a captain's hat.

So with this information as well as the fact that Dr. Vegapunk had created a way to give Devil Fruit powers to inanimate objects, one can assume that the method Blackbeard used to take Whitebeard's Gura Gura no Mi was through a procedure made by Dr. Vegapunk.

It is believed that while underneath the Black Cloth, Blackbeard used this said procedure to obtain the fruit and at the same time, used the cloth to conceal it from the public.


Cerberus Theory

As of now, we know that Blackbeard has two Devil Fruits within him, the Yami Yami no Mi and the Gura Gura no Mi. There are certain beliefs that prior to obtaining these two, he has a Zoan-type fruit. A possible name for the could be: Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Cerberus. 

          First of all, a quick review on what exactly a Zoan is. A Zoan is one of the three types of Devil Fruits along with Logia and Paramecia. It allows the user to transform into a different species or a hybrid-form of that said species. There are many types of Zoans:

Inanimate Object Zoan 
Due to Dr. Vegapunk's research, certain inanimate objects have been shown to eat Devil Fruits. Such examples are Lassoo and Funkfreed which are Mr. 4's bazooka and Spandam's sword respectively.

Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Dachshund 
Zou Zou no Mi

Awakened Zoan 
The Awakened Zoan are users who have attained the ability to be stronger, faster and tougher than what the Zoan Devil Fruits' abilities bestow normally. This also includes faster recovery time, which functions involuntarily even when the user is unconscious. Such users are the four Demon Guards of Sadi-chan in Impel Down.


Minozebra, Minokoala, and Minorhinoceros with Sadi-chan

Ancient Zoan

The Ancient Zoan are users who can transform into extinct animals, such as prehistoric reptiles and creatures. The only revealed user so far is X Drake.

X Drake facing a Pacifista

Carnivorous Zoan

The Carnivorous Zoan have a more bloodthirsty nature as compared to other Zoan-types. It is their predatory instincts that heighten this nature. A clear example of this is Rob Lucci, a member of CP9.

Rob Lucci in full-leopard form

Mythical Zoan 

The Mythical Zoan are a very rare but very powerful type of Devil Fruit. It allows the user to transform into mythical creatures like those one would see in legends. Only two users have been shown as of now, Marco of the Whitebeard Pirates, and Sengoku of the Marines.  

Marco, 1st Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates
Marco as a Phoenix

Marco in his phoenix-human hybrid form

(Former) Supreme Commander of the Marines, Sengoku

Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu

          The most appropriate type of Zoan for the Cerberus Theory is the Mythical Zoan. For one, it is considered to be a rare type of creature and its power is immense. 

          There are certain instances that back-up this claim. The Blackbeard Pirates' Jolly RogerShanks' wound, and the mere Existence of a Cerberus in the One Piece World.

Jolly Roger:

          The Jolly Roger, or the Pirate Flag, help determine who belong to whose crew. The designs usually reflect the interest of the captain. At other times it may be physical resemblance or the symbols behind them. In some sense, there is a reason or story for every Jolly Roger design. 

          For some reason, the design of the flag of the Blackbeard Pirates show three (3) skulls side by side. There hasn't been any explicit reasons for this but it might be revealed. 

Due to this, some think that the flag resembles the skull structure of a Cerberus.
Shanks' Wound:

          One other instance that aids the Cerberus claim, it is the wound on the left eye of Shanks. It consists of three diagonal scratch marks. 

          In Chapter 434, Shanks speaks with Whitebeard about Ace and eventually about Blackbeard as well. Shanks tells him that it was Blackbeard that caused the wound. 

Existence :

The mere stating and showing of its name and being respectively signals belief in its existence.

          Well somehow, this quote seems to be true. In Chapter 444 there was shown a Cerberus in Thriller Bark. 

Cerberus Zombie

One of its heads is a wolf

          There was another instance wherein a Cerberus was mentioned. This was during the CP9 Arc in Enies Lobby courthouse. In Chapter 387, during the Battle between the Franky Family and Baskerville, there was a comment on how Baskerville resembles a Cerberus.

Zambal calling Baskerville a Cerberus